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Jamie Cother and her Art of Macramé

Jamie Cother and her Art of Macramé

We spent a lot of time at home in 2020 trying to find ways to 'kill' time in a meaningful and creative way.
We have tried everything from pottering to painting and finally Macramé. The art form of knotting yarn into beautiful master pieces is as popular as never before.
We absolutely loved chatting to a pioneer in the Macramé scene, Jamie Cother, who sat down with us for a fun, inspiring and raw conversation about her journey with Macramé.
Hope you'll feel as inspired as we did after reading this blog...



We might be wrong with this assumption but to us it feels like Macramé art has never been as popular as in the past year. How does it feel to see your art form being all over the Instagram feed and to inspire so many people to get creative?
When I first started macrame about 6 years ago there were so few people doing it and the Instagram community for it was so much smaller! During 2020 in particular it absolutely exploded with new makers! I think the combination of isolation and needing a therapeutic creative outlet such as macrame became super appealing! It's so great to see the art form gain so much interest. I'm fortunate to be able to share my creative journey with such a large community now and I get to interact with so many Australian makers by being a fibre supplier. 
2020 has really been nothing like we expected but reflecting on the year do you have a learning or new view point you can share?
2020 was one of those ‘once in a lifetime’ experiences. I think it put a lot of things in perspective. I took a lot of basic needs/wants for granted (toilet paper being one of them!) Things can change so quickly and life is so fluid. I wont take anything for granted anymore and I'm more appreciative of what’s important in life such as family and friends.
What fuels your creativity?
I separate my creativity into two parts. The first is more commercial (the designs and pieces I sell to customers)  and the second are my artworks that I just can't seem to part with. First of all I’m passionate about both but what is a distinct difference between the two is that in my artworks called ‘the light series’ I draw from my childhood memories. I try to capture how I felt at a particular time and place with the person I was spending that time with. That being my late sister Jody who passed at the age of 20 from cancer. I suppose it's a form of grieving and turning it into something beautiful. 
If you had to name a favorite out of all the macrame pieces you’ve made which one is it and why?
I actually have two favourites! The very first light series piece as the design was so liberating and crazy and so unlike the structural pieces that I was usually making. The second one is called ‘The secret garden’ as it's an ode to my late sister.

Starting something new can be a bit daunting. Do you have any tips for someone who wants to tap into their creative side again but don’t know where to begin?
I think joining a local workshop that teaches the craft you are interested in is a great start. They will have the knowledge and supplies you need to get you started so that you are not overwhelmed with the process of starting from scratch. I sort of wish that there were macrame workshops around when I first started as it would have saved me months of frustration and lots of money on supplies! lol. I don't learn things easily. It was a long drawn out process looking at knot diagrams and youtube videos (again not a lot back then!) In one way I'm glad as I had to develop my own style.  People in my craft  can usually pick my designs when they see them without even seeing my name, so although it was painful it created what I am today. 
You teach in person macrame classes as well. What is your favorite part about that?
Prior to macrame I used to have a mobile jewellery business (pop up shops all over Sydney) and prior to that I was always in fashion retail and customer service. After I had my twins I closed my jewellery business as it was physically impossible to do that job with 5 kids. I felt very isolated and became depressed. I started macrame as a hobby that wasn't kid related.  With some encouragement from a friend I started my Instagram and FB business account and started getting enquiries from people wanting to learn from me. Starting workshops has allowed me to connect with so many amazing women. I have formed so many beautiful connections with people and to this day I keep in contact with so many students. My workshops are not just a great day of creation but have become a place for women to share their stories from funny to sad ones. I’m in such awe of so many of them. Needless to say I don't feel isolated or depressed anymore!
Do you have daily rituals? If so, what are they?
Coffee, just Being a mum of 5 and running a full time business doesn't leave much time, however I religiously have a shower every morning and evening as that's when some of my best creative and business ideas come to me. I've even worked out some complicated life problems in the shower! Does that sound weird?? Lol. It must have something to do with the water but it's a form of meditation I guess. 
Last but not least where can our customers see your beautiful pieces and contact you?
You can find me at
 Follow my journey on Instagram  @jac.home.heart 
Or on Facebook  JAC home heart 
Jamie wears Victorian style  Linnette Mini
paired with woven Athena Wedges

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